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We are here to give you easy and practical advice for Interior Design and we throw in a little "Living-Well" advice too.

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Downtown Rogers, AR Renovation

You know how sometimes things just happen so fast you can't remember how it happened. That was this. My husband and I had very casually mentioned that we would like to start keeping an eye out for property in downtown Rogers. We just love the area and thought if we could pick up a little house we could slowly do some renovating and maybe rent it out for a few years till we are ready to downsize. (aka - when that giant child to the left of me above goes off to college in 4 more years). Then 1 evening while having a drink at The City Pump someone mentions a house and long story short "POOF" - here we are! The lesson in this story is that sometimes really good things happen while drinking a beer with friends.

August 28, 2018

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Super Quick Tips to make a room seem larger.

~ Hang Lightweight Drapery Panels about halfway from the ceiling to the top of the window.

April 13, 2020

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Hello World...

Well..I am only 21 years late to the world of blogging! I literally just looked it up - it all started the summer of 1999. (Doesn't seem like it could have been that long ago!) Well, I am glad I didn't start blogging then. I am not really sure I would have had much knowledge or information that people would really want to read about anyways. Now - is my time! Hopefully in this stage of the game I can help some others out with helpful tidbits. I want to be as quick and precise with information that I can be - while throwing  a few laughs in for free. I hope I can help even just a few others out there like me. Enjoy...

April 12, 2020


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